Friday 6 January 2012

On my mind...

What's on my mind? On my mind is the Norwegian girl, who came to Dheishe the other day, explaining that in Norway people don't consider the residents of Palestinian refugee camps to be refugees - among other reasons because they CAN leave the camps (!) and travel around the West Bank freely (literal comment: that's great!). Ah and there is no need to continue living in the camps, people can just move outside the camp and live anywhere in the West Bank - they should accept the past as past and continue to live their life. I had a feeling she was disappointed cause she was expecting starving childen behind barbed wire in a slum like setting. Since that wasn't the case, she was bewildered, why the native don't resign to their fate - surely Palestianians are a more domesticized breed then Norwegians and don't really need freedom of speach, travel, full citizenship and all other luxurious nonsense...Also now that they are socialized under occupation and conditioned to expect the IOF and checkpoints/ and or settlements and price tagging settlers at every school corner, surely they wouldn't be able to cope with more space to move. Those indigenous people most certainly are different from the Norwegian Wiking kind - those probably would have remembered the good old days rather quickly and plundered and burned the encampments of the invadors within a few weeks...skol!
So, dear ignorant world, please do call me emotional and biased, because I am. I impertinently and inveterately believe in the UNIVERSAL nature of human rights. Especially when I remember how we ranted about the GDR not granting their citizens the right to travel anywhere they chose, when they shot people at the borders, when they didn't have free elections, when they were not like, while Israel is denying the Palestinian citizens the right to get rid of the occupation and the PA, when the IOF is shooting people in civil demonstrations, when soldiers became a natural part of children's way to school, when Palestinians have no right whatsoever to defend their homes, their people, their, we sit and watch and justify that these wild beasts are so unpredictable, the simply do not leave the world a choice but to imprison them...unlike in the GDR, where the government was installed by some evil, evil force called UDSSR and where the citizens needed to be freed and socialized in "the right way", the Palestinians are in this position because they do not deserve better. After all, we give them food and water and if they are very very nice, sometimes even some medical treatment in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem - unless they are so stupid to die before or can't afford body guards...And really, even that is not so bad as a dead Palestinian is a free Palestinian and the best is: even if he/she isn't, they can't tell anyone...

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